Dinosaurs, mummies, and science! Oh, my!


Are you tired of staying indoors because of the snow or cold weather? Want to go on a quick family canoodle adventure? Well, here is an option for you. It’s something the entire family can enjoy and it’s the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.024

We recently visited so we could check out their new exhibit called Mammoths and Mastodons, Titans of The Ice Age and it was amazing! As soon as you enter, you get to experience and learn with different interactive exhibits. This is an area where it will be ok for the kids to touch the mammoths and feel their fur. There are opportunities to take pictures with these giant mammoths including ice age bears and tigers. There were even high tech games for the kids to explore and learn about the ice age.


It is easy to spend an entire day exploring all of the different exhibits including the family programing. There is even a space adventure area where the entire family can learn about the planets and our solar system. Why is it cold in the winter? Why are there 365 days in the year? There is even an area where kids can search for artifacts in the sand.

We ended up purchasing the family membership for $85 for a year because the membership pays for itself in two visits and we know we will be back plenty of times to visit. It’s one of our favorite indoor options that’s fun for us and I hope that you and your family will have a family canoodle adventure there too!

Denver Museum of Nature and Science http://www.dmns.org/

2001 Colorado Blvd, Denver, CO 80205


9 thoughts on “Dinosaurs, mummies, and science! Oh, my!

  1. I like this idea as well as others that have been posted up with different focuses. So far we have things to do in Denver (geared more towards singles, and young couples, recipees for families, and now family adventures) Like I said with the other’s I like this idea of giving people options of what to do, first hand from others in the city that have done it. I like the set up, simple – with proof you actually took your family to the exibits posted up by pictures and also you included the price AND the website link. VERY smart! I will also be looking forward to this site, I hope you keep it up! – Antwone McCullough

    • Antwone McCullough! Your comment made my day! Like you, I am so happy that our class can provide so many options with different focuses (singles, young couples, recipes for families, family budgeting and fun family adventures!). Thank you so much for your feedback! I am truly so grateful for your kind words!

  2. I love the content and layout of this blog. The pictures of both family and exhibits spaced throughout the story really bring it to life. The offering of information about the venue like prices and website link allow the reader a good representation of what they can expect if they decide to visit. I think you hit the mark as someone could plan a visit to the museum based solely on what you offered. Cheers and Bravo!!
    Benjamin Burt

    • Hi Benjamin– Thanks so much for your comment and feedback! I was not sure about using my own personal photos so I’m glad that it adds something and like you said “brings it to life.” I am glad you found it easy to navigate because I was not sure if I didn’t have enough bells and whistles and may have been too basic for the experienced bloggers out there like yourself.

  3. I like your blog layout. It is very smooth and inviting. The colors are nice and I cant wait to see what is to come next from your blog.
    I too am on the fence about using my own personal photos, this definitely gives me more insight on how others view the subject.

  4. That looks like such a cool place to visit! It sounds like a super fun way to teach your kids about those prehistoric species. Definitely could be considered an adventure. I love the template you chose, it’s so inviting and fits the theme really nicely!

    -Cimarron Hatch

  5. Great article about the museum. I never really considered a membership, but might look into it. Especially if it pays for itself in 2-3 visits.

    The only feedback I can give on the color pallete is that the text is a bit light and difficult to read.

    I love the blog, though –keep it up, even after the semester is over!

    – Bill B

    • Hi Bill! Thank you for your comment! This is a free template from WordPress. I will see if there is anything I can do to change the color of the font. I am new at blogging so some of the editing is still new to me. Thank you for your suggestions!


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